Schminke College Linoprint Black Ink - 237 ml

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Water-based lino print ink for block and linocut printing.

Schminke College® ink is easy to use and can be aplicated with a rubber roller onto blockprinting plates.
College Linol is an inexpensive series but reports very well on contemporary synthetics, carving and stamp plates.

Color Black. Format 237 ml.

Water-based ink for roller application on relief printing plates. The Schminke manufacturer's engraving ink is suitable for applying on traditional wood and linoleum plates, but also on synthetic plates such as soft cut, blue carve or even EVA rubber plates.

College Linol Series Engraving Ink is listed as an eco-friendly printing ink. This low environmental impact ink is perfect for schools and students. Fast drying ink. All colors are miscible with each other and with other water-based series. Clean utensils and rollers with soap and water.

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